Tom Coronel TCR-Europe Champion! #1

In the world of speed, passion and unprecedented perseverance, Tom Coronel has gloriously crowned himself the champion of TCR Europe. What a year of excitement, adrenaline and unforgettable moments! It is with pride and enthusiasm that we, as proud partners of Tom Coronel, celebrate this fantastic achievement!

Tom Coronel has proven that with dedication, skill and an indomitable spirit, anything is possible. His journey to the championship is not only a personal triumph, but an inspiration to all who believe in the pursuit of greatness.

As Business Data Challengers, we feel privileged to be part of this epic adventure. Together with Tom we have not only achieved speeds that push the boundaries of motorsport, but we have also experienced the power of determination and teamwork.

We would like to convey our sincere congratulations to Tom Coronel, the champion of TCR Europe!

Thank you, Tom Coronel, for sharing this extraordinary year with us. On to even more successes, even more speed, and above all, on to even more unforgettable adventures!

With sincere congratulations,

The Team of Business Data Challengers! 🤩🏆

Tom Coronel - Business Data Challengers

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Hollandse Kade 21
1391 JD Abcoude