Business Data Challengers receives top sectors subsidy from the Dutch government for a medical dashboard.
Business Data Challengers (BDC) and Bytesnet are working together in this project. They develop one
revolutionary system based on artificial intelligence (AI) that is capable of enormous
process and present a large amount of medical images. Are medical specialists
This makes it possible to analyze and process large quantities of images extremely reliably
With this project, medical knowledge is integrated with the expertise of BDC and the computing power of the BytesNet data center into a valuable application for medical specialists.
The Dashboard
The purpose of the dashboard is to support medical specialists in researching
including scans of the brain and heart. The dashboard is made in such a way that it is also small
clearly visualizes abnormalities that may be missed by specialists.
It is based on a large number of medical images, where the abnormalities are known
system trained with AI and is increasingly able to detect and detect abnormal symptoms
make suggestions for diagnosis.
Medical specialists are able to assess this much better than with current systems
what diseases look like on images. This increases the predictive power
concerns the development of a disease and the consequences and side effects this has.
Medical specialists are then even better able to determine which treatment best suits which disease. The system, which processes and presents images, can be used for all types of image types, such as; brain scans, ECGs and other types of digital images.

What do you do that with?
In addition to being smart, you need to be able to process this enormous amount of footage quickly
algorithm designed by BDC also requires a computer system. A computer system that
calculates quickly and has no difficulty processing large amounts of data in a short time. This is available at Bytesnet, this computer system is oil-cooled and better for the environment than usual data center solutions.
As an MIT R&D collaboration project, this solution has now received a subsidy from the Dutch Top Sector Life Sciences & Health (LSH) due to innovation in the healthcare sector.
An MIT R&D collaboration project is aimed at the development or innovation of a product,
production process or service. A project must align with the objectives of the Top Sectors and Innovation Policy of one of the Dutch Top Sectors that are relevant to the region and
align with the strategic agenda of the Province of Utrecht.
Business Data Challengers BV and Bytesnet BV have entered into a partnership for this project,
where a Medical Image Processing Dashboard is jointly developed.
This project therefore ties in directly with the theme of Imaging and Image guided therapies of the Top Sector Life Sciences & Health, which specifically calls for innovations in the field of imaging technology for more precise and less invasive diagnoses, prognoses,
monitoring and coordination of therapy.
Not only because of the major social impact that the project has, but especially because of it
Due to the enthusiasm and drive of Hetty Wessel-Smit, Bassam Shoukri (BDC) and Leo de Vries (Bytesnet), this subsidy application, supervised by PNO Consultants, was successful
Through good cooperation, we make an important contribution to a sustainably affordable,
efficient and effective healthcare.
About Business Data Challengers
Business Data Challengers BV helps organizations with their
development towards advanced data-driven solutions and visualizations.
The company focuses on data and information management, development of smart algorithms and the design of data warehouses. BDC specializes in Analytics, Business Intelligence, Data Warehousing and Data Science.
BDC has the ambition to play a more significant role in the Life Science & Health sector. This project and the associated investment make an important contribution to this
About Bytesnet
Bytesnet offers data center solutions and improved data and information flows. Bytesnet aims
to develop an infrastructure for image processing specifically for the Life Science & Health sector through AI and High Performance Computing, among other things.
Bytesnet itself also invests in this project by developing the HPC infrastructure and running the algorithms developed by BDC on this developed platform.
BCD Academy
BDC's mission is to add data visualization to the portfolio of as many developers as possible. Making choices to get from data to the right information and insights is vital. We do this in the form of training: online, classroom or 1-on-1 mentoring.