Ensure confidence in your data!
Are you missing out on opportunities due to inadequate data management? Do you have sufficient confidence in your data? BDC's Data Governance approach ensures that your data is well organized!

Why Data Governance?
Organize data management
Data management must be organized and every employee is directly or indirectly responsible for some part of the data quality in the organization. Initiatives to improve data quality often start in processes where data is exchanged between systems.
Our consultants experience this every day with customers where they unlock data from source systems to realize information products with Business Intelligence, Data Warehousing, Data & Analytics, etc. In many cases it appears that the quality, uniformity and many other aspects are insufficient to build information products that are of value to the organization. There is then a need, often from technology, to tackle these problems.
There are many technical solutions to bring data quality in an organization to a higher level, but these will only be successful if the organization, people and processes are aligned. This requires an integrated approach that must be approached from these perspectives.
Internal and external legislation and regulations
In addition to data quality, internal and external laws and regulations surrounding data also play an important role in many organizations. Organizations are expected to make efforts to improve processes and working methods when processing data. Privacy, security, traceability and auditability are matters for which good data management is necessary. Even more than with data quality, the aspects of 'organization' and 'people' play an important role, but there are also technical tools to facilitate processes required to comply with legislation and regulations.
Good self-service BI requires good organization of the data and the generated information products. If no attention is paid to this, a proliferation of insights will occur, the value of which is unclear. This lack of clarity is caused, for example, by: The lack of meanings and definitions of concepts and/or their failure to record them, ignorance of the origin of the data and the poor data quality.
Achieving a sustainable solution
After thorough preliminary research, we identify problem areas based on the internationally recognized DAMA framework. We then look with the customer at how we can solve the problems along the axes of technology, processes and people. We align ourselves with the customer's wishes, problems, objectives and associated priorities. Our approach is agile, short-cycle and focused on quick results. We work in close interaction with the customer and aim to help the customer on the right track with the right methods and resources, so that the organization can continue independently. Data Governance problems are usually complex problems that cannot be solved with a tool alone. Our consultants obviously have tool knowledge, but also help with organizational embedding, process improvement and coaching and training people. Only in this way can a sustainable solution be achieved.

Your data well organized!
- Reliable information provision
- Better compliance with laws and regulations (GDPR, GDPR, etc.)
- An agile and future-proof organization
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